Part 29: Boom, Town

In which we meet Osmund and he promptly tries to murder us before Leonard accidentally murders him.

So we move on immediately from the Direspider boss fight and Caesars declaration of trust in Kara, despite her copping to being the Black Knight/General Dragias/A Glenn Beck fan/[INSERT OTHER BAD THING HERE].

A short run (and a metric crapton of insect type enemies) later, we come to a landbridge across the canyon.

Around the bend are a group of enemies

That promptly blink out of existence when you approach them because the next cutscene is triggered.
White Knight Chronicles! Im getting sick of just using the games title as shorthand for how much Level-5 absolutely sucks.

CUTSCENE: The Downed Windwalker

On another stretch of canyon ridge, we find a crashed Windwalker plane.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Roccos Thanks (Disc 2, Track 11)

For all his tinkering, the Windwalkers engine backfires on him anyway.
This, by the way, is Rocco. Hes an intermittently important character in both this game and the next one. Hes also a member of Osmunds Windwalker squadron, and was among the Windwalkers who attacked the Greaver in the last chapter.
Im assuming, anyway. Of the one or to not-Osmund Windwalkers you can get a clear look at, none of them are wearing Roccos distinct outfit, but Im going to give him the benefit of the doubt because Roccos actually a decent pilot, hes just got shit luck, as were gonna see in full graphic detail soon enough.

See what I mean? Leonard has just entered his life. Thats about as unlucky as you can get in this game. God, Im gonna need to make more room in the Deceased Characters section, arent I?

Hey, thats not a barely intelligible grunt! Bad Charles Shaughnessy! Level-5 isnt paying you to speak in complete sentences.
Also, these things have propellers and are capable of self-propelled flight, ergo theyre not gliders. Yet thats the name they stick with for both games.

Rocco goes to try to reattach his busted wing, aaaaand

Falls on his ass. The failure vortex intensifies.

Said with the verbal equivalent of sixteen quotation marks around technology. Papituar tech is kind of like Ork tek, only without the needless guns and Cockney accents. Weve got the Toads for those
The Cockney accents, I mean. I dont think the heroes employ anything close to firearms technology in this game.

So Yulie and Leonard wander over to lend the poor lad a hand, while Team Smart People (and Eldore) hang back.

You perpetual killjoy. Yulies trying to railroad Leonard into actually doing something decent for once, leave them alone you old coot.
Also ha hah, nobody listens to anything you say any more.

Rocco takes a step back, ponders how screwed he is and decides to just end it all by leaping into the canyon below.

And then he catches sight of Leonard, and, heedless of the fact that Leonard is the Harbinger of Doom

Starts cheering over his perceived salvation.
Run, you idiot, run.

That thing in the lower-left of the screenshot, by the way, is a Pygmy Greaver about to poke its head out over the ridge.
God, Leonard and a baby existential horror. Rocco has the shittiest luck ever.

He keeps laughing and waving

And laughing and waving

As the mini vagina dentata monster lurches towards him. Youd think with the noise this thing is making, Rooco would have heard it, especially with those giant rabbit ears, but nope, hes currently afflicted with Theplotdemandsitis, a terrible condition which has being going around the cast of White Knight Chronicles an awful lot lately wherein people are incapable of noticing critical details often to their detriment, because, well, the Plot demands it.

Rocco, meet teeth. Teeth, meet Rocco.


Okay, another double Knight Battle.

So Goofus and Gallant rush the Pygmy Greaver, even though from this angle it looks like it already ate Rocco while they were doing their needless transformation incantations.

BOSS FIGHT: Pygmy Greaver (with commentary by nine-gear crow and Blind Sally)
And so the sad state of affairs of two humongous magical suits of armour formerly fueled by the souls of infants combatting equally humongous monsters with spectacular weapons and abilities actually being one of the boringest part of the game continues apace.

This is actually another miniboss fight dolled up to look like a plot battle. After this, Pygmy Greavers are going to be all over Frass Chasm, usually in areas large enough to allow Knight combat.
The Pygmy Greavers, and their pallet swaps, are weak to stabbing attacks like Thrust.

Once again, theres barely any room to manouver in this little boss arena for one Knight. Throwing two Knights and an equally large monster in here means youre really not going anywhere. And the Greaver have some pretty powerful impact attacks that can send you flying right to the other side of the arena, pinning you against the invisible wall whilst it has its way with you.

Luckily, though, I was totes overleveled for this fight, so Caesar and Shitforbrains made short work of the hexapodal monstrosity. Dumbass even landed the killing blow while I wasnt looking. With a stabbing attack too.
Congratulations, Level-5, youre remedial AI did something right by accident!

As Blind Sally points in in the video, this Greaver was probably aggrod by Leonards prescence in the area ala Ahwahnee and was probably a completely innocent creature. Which Leonard thusly murdered. Because thats all Leonard knows how to do.
Hes like a less effective Caim from Drakengard, only bereft the capacity for true, intentional homicidal rage.

CUTSCENE: Roccos Medieval Life

Actually, I take that back. As the Greaver bellows its deathscream, Leonard rushes in to show off with one last unnecessary slash at it.

God, even in cutscenes the AI cant match enemy weaknesses. Stab it you twit!

Im pretty sure this was how Kuromori died in Shadow of the Colossus. God, I really want Wander to show up and stab Leonard in the head right now.

And so Team Caesar celebrates by doing their customary Reverting to Human Form Before the Crisis Has Actually Ended thing.

Because if theres one thing weve learned through painful repetition in this game so far, its that Leonard and competence are anathema to one another.

The Greaver launches its long tendril tongue out trying to Balrog one of the boys and take them with it to its death.

Make that tonguesplural, apparently.



Wow, of all the characters Leonards stupidity would claim, I never thought it would hit as close to home as frickin Caesar! Wow. I guess this game really cant abide interesting characters after all then.

But luckily, we have backup Competent Party Member with us, so Kara swoops down in Black Knight form and saves Caesars manpretty ass from the Greaver.

She lets him off gently and flies away to conveniently reappear once all the madness has died down even though only one person in this party still doesnt know/might actually care that shes the Black Knight.


And nobody bothers to turn around and see that Kara has gone missing again.

I honestly thought he was going to say important character, but then Id have to accuse him of ripping off Balthier.

HOORAY! The Charles Shaughnessy Emotive Grunts are back!

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Roccos Thanks (Disc 2, Track 11)

I love how Rocco patiently waits for them to get done with their internal bullshit before making his presence known again.

Cause, you know, this party sucks at rescuing people.

Blind Sally said he thought Rocco was annoying because of his self-pitying act. I would actually like to disagree. True, Rocco is annoying for a host of reasons, but I actually like his little self-aware fatalism here; hes just so nonchalant about the how terrible things tend to happen to him, and well, hell, it hasnt killed him yet (emphasising the YET).
Then again, after being with Leonard for so long, anyone in this game who shows a level of self-awareness gets an automatic pass in my book. Thats probably why I like characters like Caesar, Kara, Yulie, Belcitane and Osmund so much.

He fires up his not-actually-a-glider and prepares to leave.

Rocco takes to the sky again.

And then he crashed into the canyon wall and died.
Oh well.
I think his might just be the first character the party actually rescues who then survives the post-rescue.
Yay progress! Were ¾s into the game and weve just now figured out heroism.

And now Karas back. She trades a knowing glance with Caesar.

And its back on road again.

CUTSCENE: Welcome to Baccea, Bi I mean Nincompoop

God, if even Caesars agreeing with Eldore, this must be bad.

And there he is, the rabbit-man himself.
Blind Sally said that Osmund talks like Tom Hardys Bane with that facemask thing and his accent. Id amend that to say he talks like Marquis Ondore from FFXII channelling Tom Hardys Bane.

Sorry guys, Im out of Bane jokes.

And then the whole damn Papitaur army shows up.
Thanks Eldore, you incontinent anus, for knowingly letting us walk into Baccean territory without saying anything, despite knowing apparently where Baccea was in Frass Chasm and how xenophobic the Papitaurs are to outsiders.
Epimitheus Unbound.
NOTE: Osmunds xenophobia is cutscene conditional, youll notice in Baccea that there are a few humans and Wargs wandering around the place. I dont know what their deal is. Maybe Osmund is just holding them hostage inside the city, I dunno, nor do I care.

And the crowd goes wild.
Just one thing before we continue. Baccea has some sort of trade agreement with Greede. According to Caesar, the Windwalkers sell their Greaver gas collectings to Greede for outrageous prices. Also according to Caesar, Greede supplies Baccea with all the essential resources it needs to survive yet cant produce on its own.
Surely Osmund, the village chief and Windwalker captain would know by sight the son and heir of the man whos word keeps his people from dying in one way or another, to say nothing of the fact that Caesar now is that man himself. Youd think that card would be worth throwing down on the table, no?
Ah, hell, hes going to try to kill Leonard for us. Lets just hear him out.

So this is Osmunds secret weapon? Three nets?

Three frickin nets against a group of people who have swords and axes, and oh yeah THREE FUCKING KNIGHTS AT THEIR DISPOSAL!

You mean to tell me that some rope and weights, are going to

Oh, of fucking course they are.

CUTSCENE: Just Give Me The Match, Ill Blow Us All Up Myself
CUTSCENE MUSIC: Baccea (Disc 2, Track 9)
Bacceas town theme is yet another example of this game being spoiled by its sound design department.

So Team You Fucking Idiots are given the Indiana Jones treatment and are hogtied around a trio of posts in the centre of town.

Of the lot of them, Yulie is the only one struggling to get free, probably because shes the only one with something to live for outside of this stupid quest.

Osmund whips around at Caesars comment.

He starts swaggering over to the group, specifically to Caesar.

Wow, and here I thought it would be Cyruss racism that proved deadly first, but nope, apparently its gonna be Caesars.

So yeah, the Papitaurs trot out this thing. I take it back, maybe they do have a little Ork in them. Cause that thing looks pretty zoggin orkky.


Osmund does some awesome little pissed off temper tantrum footstamping.

And everyone runs for cover because who the hell knows when this thing is going to go off this time.

More of Leonards masterful oratory and persuasive skills at work.
Once again, this is another one of those wonderful little Transform, you idiot scenes wherein the heroes look like incompetent moron failures because they flat out refuse to push their own personal I win button for the sake of contrived drama.

Again, of all of them, Yulie is the one struggling the hardest.

Jeez, shes really getting into it.

Oh, hey.

Hah! I love that little callback.

CUTSCENE MUSIC: Roccos Thanks (Disc 2, Track 11)

And then the bomb blows up anyway, because Rocco has absolutely terrible luck.

For some reason thats not explained at all, Osmund has a soft spot for Rocco despite him being a walking disaster. Hence why Rocco was probably the only person able to talk Osmund down from the blow these idiots straight to hell cliff. Its hinted at, vaguely, that Rocco is Osmunds personal protégé and is on track to be his successor as Windwalker captain, but I cant say for certain because not on the page, not on the stage is in full effect in this game.
I want to say that Rocco is actually Osmunds son, and thats why theyre so close (if you go back and watch the CG cutscene from the last chapter, you can see Osmund shares a similar hair and skin colour to Rocco), but the game never comes out and confirms it, so... eh

Leave it to Leonard to turn down practical help.

Numbnuts, this is how you win: you utilize the element of surprise. Grazel is just going to be standing there at Thaumus Rock looking all smug and not-Sephiroth-y, he starts monolouging and demanding you turn over the Arks and then BOOM! He gets a one-kiloton face full of Bacceas finest export: HOT DEATH.
But no, youve got to be a chivalric moron. Okay, whats your reason then?

So now we have free reign to explore Baccea. See what I mean about there being people other than Papitarus here? Clarissa is the towns Incorruptus Mechanic and shes as human as they come.

And because Osmund loves to Leeroy Jenkins the shit out of everything he does, the Windwalker glider base, seen just off in the background, rests at the lip of a massive waterfall, which serves as their launch pad.

Theres not really much to Baccea. Normally youd scoop up the latest weapons and armour and items and then be on your way to the next waypoint. But first, we need to have a foreshadowing cutscene.

CUTSCENE: Sir Thaumus, the One-Eyed
As theyre exploring the town, Leonard and Orren come across a group of Papitaur children drawing something in the dirt.

Why Leonard and Orren are in this close proximity to one another in-LP universe, I dont really know.

One of the kids realises theyre there and kind of freaks out over them. His name is Mearle, by the way, so instantly I have a hard time taking him seriously because I expect him to be voiced by Michael Rooker and speak primarily in racial and sexual slurs.
Christ I miss Walking Deads Merle.

Thaumus has been dead for ten thousand years and has only been a thing in this story for about 30 minutes and is already a more interesting character than Leonard.

Robbed of a merciful death, how depressing. Maybe I should start praying to Thaumus and see how that turns out.
Seems to be working for the Windwalkers

- 19.1 - The Downed Windwalker
- 19.i - Pygmy Greaver Boss Fight
- 19.2 - Rocco's Medieval Life
- 19.3 - Welcome to Baccea, Bi I Mean Nincompoop
- 19.4 - Just Give Me The Match, I'll Blow Us All Up Myself
- 19.5 - Sir Thaumus, the One-Eyed